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Carlo Ancelotti (COM) | Arne Slot (COM) | |||||||||
D.JOTA 11 |
0' | Kick off |
4' | JÚNIOR receives the ball from RODRYGO. JÚNIOR scuffs his shot but it looks on target. The ball catches the outside of the post and drifts just wide. |
6' | SZOBOSZLAI passes to DÍAZ. DÍAZ takes a touch and tries to curl the ball past the keeper. GOAL!! - The keeper can't get across in time and it's in! OFFSIDE! - The flag is up and the goal is disallowed. |
10' | Luka MODRIĆ goes to ground after a foul by ALEXANDER-ARNOLD. Yellow Card - ALEXANDER-ARNOLD goes into the referees notebook. |
11' | Diogo JOTA receives the ball from Andy ROBERTSON. JOTA manages to get a shot in. GOAL!! - The ball drifts beyond the keeper and drops over the line. |
17' | DÍAZ passes to ROBERTSON. ROBERTSON hits one towards the bottom corner. The keeper dives across his goal to keep it out. |
20' | MODRIĆ links up with JÚNIOR. JÚNIOR fires one towards goal. It whistles past ALISSON but misses the target. |
31' | GOMEZ plays the ball to Virgil VAN DIJK. VAN DIJK takes the ball on and unleashes a solid drive towards goal. COURTOIS gets two hands to the ball and directs it away. |
33' | MODRIĆ links up with JÚNIOR. JÚNIOR fires one towards goal. The ball strikes the wood work and goes over. |
45' | Half time |
49' | JOTA links up with ALEXANDER-ARNOLD. ALEXANDER-ARNOLD hits one towards the bottom corner. The keeper gets down quickly to save the shot. |
63' | It's a foul. Free kick to Liverpool. ALEXANDER-ARNOLD tries a curler towards the top corner. It's just over the bar and out for a goal kick. |
67' | MENDY plays the ball to Kylian MBAPPÉ. MBAPPÉ manages to get a shot in. The keeper gets across his goal to cover as the ball floats just over. |
78' | The ball rolls out for a corner to Liverpool. ALEXANDER-ARNOLD crosses the ball into the box. MAC ALLISTER has an attempt at goal. It's a good attempt but COURTOIS is equal to it. |
89' | Mohamed SALAH links up with SZOBOSZLAI. SZOBOSZLAI takes a touch and fires a shot for the top corner. The keeper gets a hand to it and pushes the ball clear of the goal. |
90' | Full time |